Journey steps

The journey is composed of a series of steps you define using a graphical user interface. These steps can be classified into the following types:

  • Client-facing interactions : These steps allow for collecting information from the user or presenting authentication methods. Examples include:
  • Backend logic : These steps perform backend tasks and interact with the user record. They can be found in both backend API and client SDK journeys, but in client SDK journeys, they operate between client-side interactions (e.g., updating or inserting data into user profiles ( Register an email , Register mobile biometrics )).
  • Device operations : Steps for checking device operations include:
    • Checking the status of devices and authenticators (e.g., Is known device )
    • Cryptographic binding and verification.
    • Requests for device information and risk signals (e.g., Risk recommendation )
  • External service calls : You can define external HTTP calls via the Journey Tools external connection GUI. These calls include:
    • URL definitions, headers, HTTP methods, and more
    • Data transformations for sending and receiving responses from external services.
  • Calculations and control structures . Some steps involve:
    • Performing calculations based on user input, external service results, or previous steps.
    • Utilizing control structures such as conditions, loops, and alternate branches to guide the flow ( While loop , Complete journey , Reject access ).

Client SDK and SSO journeys can include both client-facing and backend steps, allowing for seamless interaction between the user and the server. Depending on the specific purpose of the journey, Client SDK journeys might emphasize client-side steps, such as in user authentication flows, while backend steps handle server-side data processing. This flexibility allows Client SDK and SSO journeys to combine both types of steps as needed.