Enrich SSO Token

Allows adding custom data to the OIDC tokens


This step is used to add information that can be utilized by the relying party as part of the returned access or ID token. These pieces of information can be added as fully customizable key-value pairs, allowing you to gather relevant data about the SSO authentication process.

This additional information will be accessible via custom claims on the ID and access tokens when the flow is completed.


Field Description
Token Enrichment Values Custom key values that will be used as custom claims in the OIDC completion tokens.


Consider a journey that returns the risk level provided by a Risk Recommendation or a custom AAL (authentication assurance level) that reflects the journey execution path. By including these values as custom claims in the OIDC completion tokens, you can securely return additional information to the client application upon journey completion, providing context and relevant information about the SSO authentication process.