Get User Identifiers

Follow this guide to configure the user identifier workflow step.


This journey step is used to obtain all the known identifiers for a user. You would typically use this step after getting a user identifier from the user, e.g. via Get Information from Client journey step. This allows you to invoke other steps or APIs that might require a different identifier. An example would be a flow where the users provide their legacy identifier from an external IDP when requested for a user identifier, but a follow up action requires the internal Platform User ID (also known as User ID). You would use this step to translate to the correct identifier.


Field Description
Input User Identifier Type Choose between External User ID for an ID from an external IDP, or Platform User ID for the Mosaic user ID.
User Identifier Enter an expression that contains the user identifier, such as a variable from a Get Information from Client step. The step will look up the user according to this value, based on the identifier type provided above.
Output Variable This will contain the user identifiers in JSON format if the user is found, with fields email, external_user_id, phone, platform_user_id and username.
Error Output Variable A variable to store any errors, specifically if the user is not found, for error handling procedures.

Example of Output Variable Structure

  "email": "", // Email
  "external_user_id": "EXT123456", // External User ID
  "phone": "+1234567890", // Phone
  "platform_user_id": "xovgrhzbnple2y7oebahm", // User ID
  "username": "username123" // Username

Example of Error Output Variable

  "error": "unknown_user",
  "description": "Could not find user by identifier"