Store Data on SDK

Stores any type of data on the SDK side


This step is used to store any type of data on both web and mobile SDKs, using IndexDB for web SDKs and persistent app storage for mobile SDKs. Whenever a journey is invoked, the stored data is automatically returned via the @policy.sdkSavedData() expression and included in the request.

The core functionality of this step is to enable the system to dynamically react when known information is detected, such as recognizing previously stored data, which helps personalize the user experience and streamline processes like, for example, login or form pre-filling.


Field Description
Data Data to be stored on the client side. This data will be available to the next journey invocations in the @policy.sdkSavedData() policy.


This step allows the journey to adapt its behavior by recognizing specific user information from previous interactions. For example, if a registered user returns and enters their email, the system can identify them and simplify the login process by pre-filling fields or logging them in automatically if session policies permit.

In this scenario, the Store Data on SDK step can be set to follow a Get Information from Client step that collects the user’s email during registration. Below is an example of how the step is configured to retrieve the user email from Get Information from Client.

store on SDK example

When this step runs, it stores the user’s email.

In subsequent journey invocations, the system will extract the user's email using @policy.sdkSavedData().userEmail, streamlining the login flow without needing to request it from the user again. For example, it could automatically send an OTP code to the user for authentication.