Develop with Orchestration SDK: React Native
This guide describes how to quickly integrate Journeys into your React Native application.
The Orchestration React Native SDK enables client-side developers to build user experiences that interact with journeys.
Each journey contains a business workflow, such as login or secure user onboarding. It consists of backend steps, such as data processing or invoking external systems, and client-facing steps, such as a login form or document verification. The SDK allows the client application to present screens and prompt for user input, and then send this information back to the journey for further processing.
Whenever the client-side interaction requires additional Mosaic platform capabilities, such as passkeys or risk detection, the developer needs to activate the appropriate SDK module to perform the step and collect the required input. This allows separation of concerns between the journey workflow handling, and the specific capability used.
SDK lifecycle
Regardless of journey logic, the SDK lifecycle consists of the following:
𝟸. Activate
and wait for the server response𝟹. Check
and present the appropriate UX. If needed, operate additional Mosaic SDKs.𝟺. Return client input via
(allows selecting a journey branch if supported by journey step)𝟻. Repeat 3 and 4 until receiving
or rejection
The above is reflected in the following workflow diagram:
Before you start
Before the SDK can start running journeys, make sure to:
☐ Coordinate with the journey developer (regarding journey ID, steps, expected data, etc).
☐ Obtain the Client ID that identifies the app, from the app settings in the Admin Portal
☐ Allow Mosaic IPs and domains on your network
Step 1: Installation
1. Install React Native module
Install the Mosaic React Native orchestration module in your project folder.
npm install react-native-ts-identity-orchestration
yarn add react-native-ts-identity-orchestration
2. Install iOS native dependencies
The react module requires the Mosaic iOS SDK to be installed using Cocoa Pods in your project's iOS folder.
pod install
As part of the project setup, you might need to set permissions, based on the specific module being used.
For example, to collect Face ID permissions, provide an explanation for using them. Open the Info.plist file as a Property List and add Privacy - Face ID Usage Description key and provide a reason, such as "This app uses Face ID to provide secure authentication"
3. Install Android native dependencies
Add the following lines in the shared build.gradle file ("allprojects" scope):
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
Try to compile your app in Android Studio
If you get a compile error:
Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@allowBackup value=(false)
Open your
file -
to the main manifest tag -
to the top of theapplication
Step 2: Initialize the SDK
Initializing the SDK configures it to work with your client ID, which is the context under which the entire journey is executed. It also allows setting the base URL for the SDK to use, whether a Mosaic-provided path or your own proxy.
1. iOS initialization configuration
Open your project's
in Xcode. -
Create a plist file named
in your Application with the following content. CLIENT_ID is configured in your Mosaic server. Make sure to add the file to your iOS project.
Here's an example of the plist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>[BASE_URL]</string> <!--Default is>
2. Android initialization configuration
Open your Android manifest XML file, usually located at
. - Update the strings.xml file in your Application with the following content. The CLIENT_ID should be replaced with your client ID.
<!-- Mosaic Credentials -->
<string name="transmit_security_client_id" translatable="false">[CLIENT_ID]</string >
<string name="transmit_security_base_url">[BASE_URL]</string> <!-- Default is>
The Android SDK is required to be initialized in your App's Main Application class. To do that, open your MainApplication.kt file and add the following to the bottom of the function onCreate()
3. Initialize React module
import RNTSIdentityOrchestration, { TSIDOModule } from 'react-native-ts-identity-orchestration';
Creates a new Orchestration SDK instance with your client context.
Credentials are configured from TransmitSecurity.plist file (iOS) or manifest file (Android).
try {
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
} else {
// Initialize Android SDK on MainApplication.kt (see details above)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error initializing IDO service', error);
Step 3: Start journey
Starting a journey is usually a response to some user interaction, such as clicking a login or sign-up button. The start parameters indicate which journey to start, and optionally pass additional parameters if the journey expects them.
For example, if the client app uses email as the user identifier and caches it locally after sign-up, it can pass it to the journey as userEmail
. The journey can reference it using this expression @policy.request().params.userEmail
import RNTSIdentityOrchestration, { TSIDOModule } from 'react-native-ts-identity-orchestration';
export type ServiceSuccessCallback = (results: TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse) => void;
export type ServiceErrorCallback = (results: TSIDOModule.JourneyErrorType) => void;
Sample function that starts a Journey with a given id.
Sets handlers for success or failure responses for the startJourney() call and future
submitClientResponse() calls.
- Parameters:
- journeyId: Journey Identifier in the Mosaic Admin Console.
- additionalParams: Additional parameters to be passed to the journey.
- Success and Error blocks to process responses
public startJourneyWithId = (
journeyId: string,
additionalParams: { [key: string]: any; } | null,
onSuccess: ServiceSuccessCallback,
onError: ServiceErrorCallback
) => {
const idoSDK = RNTSIdentityOrchestration;
let options: TSIDOModule.StartJourneyOptions | null = null;
if (additionalParams) {
options = {
flowId: 'some_optional_flow_id'
additionalParams: additionalParams
success: (results: TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse) => {
error: (error: TSIDOModule.JourneyErrorType) => {
idoSDK.startJourney(journeyId, options);
startJourneyWithId('my_journey_id', {
userEmail: ''
Step 4: Handle service response
After successfully starting the journey, the client app success handler receives the TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
. It will contains all the information the client needs in order to determine what to do next.
To handle the service response, the client app needs to:
- Select a handler based on the step
- Use the data provided by the journey
- Respond to the journey with requested input
1. Select handler
Upon receiving the TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
, the success handler acts on the relevant step by switching/selecting on the TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse.journeyStepId
parameter. It will either contain one of these enums or 'custom-step-id'
where custom-step-id is the unique Step ID configured in the Login Form or Get Information from Client steps. Each handler should process the data, display whatever UI is needed, and call submitClientResponse()
when the interaction is concluded.
This is how the success handler code would dispatch handlers based on this property:
private handleJourneyServiceResponse = (results: TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse) => {
switch (results.journeyStepId) {
// Prefixed Steps
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.success: this.props.onJourneyEndedWithSuccess(results); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.rejection: this.props.onJourneyEndedWithRejection(results); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.information: console.log('information'); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.debugBreak: console.log("debugBreak"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.waitForAnotherDevice: console.log("waitForAnotherDevice"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.drsTriggerAction: console.log("drsTriggerAction"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.identityVerification: console.log("identityVerification"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.webAuthnRegistration: console.log("webAuthnRegistration"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.registerDeviceAction: console.log("registerDeviceAction"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.validateDeviceAction: console.log("validateDeviceAction"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.nativeBiometricsRegistration: console.log("nativeBiometricsRegistration"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.nativeBiometricsAuthenticaton: console.log("nativeBiometricsAuthenticaton"); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.emailOTPAuthentication: console.log(''); break;
case TSIDOModule.JourneyActionType.smsOTPAuthentication: console.log("smsOTPAuthentication"); break;
// Custom Steps
case `userRegistrationForm-custom-step-id`: this.handleUserRegistrationForm(results); break;
default: logger.warn(`handleJourneyServiceResponse: Unknown journey step: ${results.journeyStepId}`); break;
Make sure to add import statement at the top of the code file:
import RNTSIdentityOrchestration, { TSIDOModule } from 'react-native-ts-identity-orchestration';
2. Use data sent from journey
Inside the handler function, the app code should render a UI that fits the specific step, and use information from the data
property if it was provided in the TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
object. This data is described in each step guide.
Let's see an example for a Display Information step. TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
will include journeyStepId
set to .information
and a data
object containing text to present as configured by the journey author. This text can be presented as shown below:
interface MyAuthenticationContainerProps {
route: RouteProp<any, any>;
navigation: StackNavigationProp<any, any>;
interface MyAuthenticationContainerState {
presentingView: React.ReactNode | null;
class MyAuthenticationContainer extends React.Component<MyAuthenticationContainerProps, MyAuthenticationContainer> {
// Information Step (JourneyActionType) handler
private handleInformationStep = async (idoServiceResponse: TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse) => {
logger.log(`Handle Information Step: ${JSON.stringify(idoServiceResponse)}`);
const data =;
if (!data) return;
const handler = () => {
// Place here the last step, respond with collected data (if any), see next section
// Render information screen presenting title, text and button text provided by the ServiceResponse
// Mosaic React Native module does not provide UI components. The application developer should provide
// their own components.
const informationView = this.myAppComponentGenerator.informationScreen(
data.title, data.text, data.button_text, handler
this.setState({ presentingView: informationView });
Make sure to add import statement at the top of the code file:
import RNTSIdentityOrchestration, { TSIDOModule } from 'react-native-ts-identity-orchestration';
3. Respond with collected data
Once the user interaction is concluded, the handler should collect the response data and submit it using submitClientResponse()
. This call yields control back to the journey, and returns with a new TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
once the journey reaches the next client-facing step.
The new TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
is handled the same way the service response was handled when returned from startJourney()
call. See setResponseHandler
invocation in the sample code in Start journey.
The call parameters are the collected data, and a response option identifier. We’ll talk more about these below. For now, let's follow the Display Information example of making this call.
// Example for responding to Information step
In this simple example, the journey was pending a signal from the client that it may continue to the next journey steps. However, no additional data was required.
In many other client-facing journey steps, data such as a password or user information may be collected from the client using the response_data
object. For example, in Email OTP authentication, after receiving the email, the user is required to provide the OTP code. The response call may look like this:
// Example for responding to Email OTP step
const onSubmitPressed = (otp_code) => {
let response_data = { passcode: otp_code };
idoSDK.submitClientResponse(TSIDOModule.ClientResponseOptionType.clientInput, response_data);
About response data schema
Each journey step expects specific fields to be sent back in the data object. The details of the expected fields are described in the relevant step guide. As seen above, when we use the example of the Register Passkeys step, the expected data is a field called webauthn_encoded_result
which is the output of the Passkey registration SDK.
For most journey steps, the client response schema is fixed. However, there are two steps that expect a dynamic schema. The Login Form step allows presenting multiple authentication options and collects input for one of them. The Get Information from Client step allows presenting an arbitrary data collection form to the end user. For both steps, the expected data schema is configured in the step. The client developer must coordinate with the journey author for the expected schema for each Step ID.
About alternate branches and response options
Certain steps support multiple response options. These options are passed in the TSIDOModule.ServiceResponse
object in the clientResponseOptions
property. These represents possible replies that the client can provide as a response to a journey step, and affect the branch that is taken when the step is completed.
Three of these replies have a standard type (per SDK):
represents a typical reply to a step that has a main or single output path. See above the example for Register Passkeys is using this reply option. This would be the common reply option to most steps. -
chooses the cancel branch in actions that support it -
chooses the failure branch in actions that support it
Apart from those, some journey steps support alternate (custom) branches. The Branch ID is configured by the journey author, and should be used to identify the branch when calling submitClientResponse()
. The example below submits a response to the Login Form step, where one of the alternate branches proceed to passkey authentication. This branch also expects a specific schema (that can be customized by the journey author) - the default is getting the encoded result after activating the authentication SDK.
let data = { webauthn_encoded_result: "<encodedAuthenticationResult>" }
clientResponseOptionId: "passkey",
data: data
Step 5: Complete journey
Mosaic signals journey completion by setting the journeyStepId
property to rejection
or success
. The specific enum for each SDK is described in Select handler above. If successful, the token
property contains a token as a proof of journey completion.
Next steps
The SDK also supports the features below. For more info, talk to your Transmit Security representative.
- Generating a debug pin for the journey debugger
- Local console logs
- Resources URIs as part of SDK initialization