• init: Object
Initializes a cross device flow, such as when users request to login to a desktop using their mobile device. Once invoked, the SDK will start listening for events occurring on the other device, and calls your handlers when a state change is detected. These methods return a promise that resolves to a CrossDeviceController object, which allows you to stop listening to events and includes the cross-device ticket ID which is used when attaching another device to the flow.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
registration |
(params : { crossDeviceTicketId : string ; handlers : CrossDeviceRegistrationHandlers }) => Promise <CrossDeviceController > |
authentication |
(params : { username? : string ; handlers : CrossDeviceAuthenticationHandlers }) => Promise <CrossDeviceController > |
approval |
(params : { username : string ; approvalData : Record <string , string > ; handlers : CrossDeviceAuthenticationHandlers }) => Promise <CrossDeviceController > |
• authenticate: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
modal |
(crossDeviceTicketId : string ) => Promise <string > |
• approve: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
modal |
(crossDeviceTicketId : string ) => Promise <string > |
• register: (crossDeviceTicketId
: string
, options?
: WebauthnCrossDeviceRegistrationOptions
) => Promise
Type declaration
▸ (crossDeviceTicketId
, options?
): Promise
Invokes a WebAuthn credential registration for the user used in the cross device session init, including prompting the user for biometrics. If registration is completed successfully, this call will return a promise that resolves to the credential result, which is an object encoded as a base64 string. This encoded result should then be passed to the relevant backend registration endpoint to complete the registration for either a logged-in user or logged-out user. If registration fails, an SdkError will be thrown. If the backend registration call was successful, onCredentialRegister will be called.
Name | Type | Description |
crossDeviceTicketId |
string |
Ticket ID of the cross-device flow. retrieved from the CrossDeviceController object. |
options? |
WebauthnCrossDeviceRegistrationOptions |
Additional configuration for registration flow |
• attachDevice: (crossDeviceTicketId
: string
) => Promise
Type declaration
▸ (crossDeviceTicketId
): Promise
Indicates when a session is accepted on another device in cross-device flows.
If successful,onDeviceAttach will be called in registration flow and onDeviceAttach for authentication.
Name | Type | Description |
crossDeviceTicketId |
string |
Ticket ID of the cross-device flow. retrieved from the CrossDeviceController object. |
AttachDeviceResult AttachDeviceResult. Object containing the ticket status, creation timestamp, and approval data (if passed in the init.authentication() call)