
The Identity Orchestration is module of a client-side JavaScript SDK that allows you to communicate with the Orchestration server, run journeys, and submit client input. Contact your Transmit representative to learn more about our orchestration capabilities.


The SDK offers the following advantages:

  • Abstract and simplify the communication scheme
  • Validate that the client input response contains the expected client input
  • Keep state between the last server response and the next client input response
  • Allow passing the state between pages, for multi-page applications


Add a script tag with the latest SDK to your HTML file

<script src="https://platform-websdk.transmitsecurity.io/platform-websdk/latest/ts-platform-websdk.js" id="platform-sdk"></script>


The main orchestration SDK interface is IdoSDK. To initialize activate the following code:

// Initialize an instance of the Identity Orchestration SDK using the unified SDK
await window.tsPlatform.initialize({
  clientId: 'my-client-id',
  ido: { serverPath: 'https://api.transmitsecurity.io/ido'}

By default, the SDK is initialized for US-based (global) cluster. The IDO module can be configured to work with a different cluster or proxy by setting serverPath to https://api.eu.transmitsecurity.io/ido (for EU) or https://api.ca.transmitsecurity.io/ido (for Canada). For the SDK modules to work properly together, the regions must match.

For more information, refer to the class reference, as well as the Quick start guides. We also recommend checking out the code samples for the various client side operations under IdoJourneyActionType.