
1.9.8 - Sep. 1, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • feat: Support saving data in IndexedDB for Ido SDK

Identity verification

  • feat: Add new resubmit reason "Restricted document"

1.9.7 - Aug. 25, 2024

Identity verification

  • fix: Fixing marked import issue

1.9.6 – Aug. 07, 2024

  • feat: Automatic migration of clientId dependent crypto binding keys to clientId independent, in sdk upgrade

Detection and response

  • feat: Support identifiers migration under first-party domains

1.9.5 – Jul. 21, 2024

  • feat: Add version field

Detection and response

  • fix: Reduce final DRS bundle size by 30%

1.9.4 – Jul. 07, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • fix: fix escape failure presentation type
  • fix: remove default applicationId from the SDK interface
  • feat: sdk pass escapes to the application
  • feat: introduce invokeSsoJourney()
  • feat: add validate email and phone actions

Detection and response

  • fix: Remove challenge data object from triggerAction response

1.9.3 – Jun. 16, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: Support dynamic document acquisition failure by restriction criteria custom message
  • feat: Error messages improvements

1.9.2 – Jun. 2, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: add support for custom video capture settings

Identity orchestration

  • feat: handle optional resource param

1.9.1 – May. 26, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: add message for customer support guidance

1.9.0 – May. 19, 2024

Detection and response

  • feat: Support new datapoints related to audio fingerprint and device data
  • feat: Support payer.bankIdentifier new field in transactionData optional action property

1.8.1 – May. 12, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: add error message to error callback

1.8.0 – May. 6, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • feat: handle expired OTP passcode
  • feat: support invoke external idp action (oidc)
  • feat: support the new variant of the login-form action

Detection and response

  • feat: Enforced encrypted communication

1.7.3 – May. 1, 2024

Detection and response

  • fix: Remove datapoint for efficiency improvement

1.7.2 – Apr. 30, 2024

Detection and response

  • fix: Update collected datapoints when page is loaded

1.7.1 – Apr. 21, 2024

Detection and response

  • feat: Support new datapoints when page is loaded and device data

1.7.0 – Apr. 14, 2024


  • feat: added support for approval signing
  • feat: saving clientId in memory with fallback to localStorage
  • feat: Add the ability to limit single credential to device
  • feat: Support set timeout for webauthn registration and authentication modals

Detection and response

  • feat: Support sending device data also in every action (per customer need)
  • feat: Add new datapoints to SDK: navigatorOnLine, navigatorIsUserActive, navigatorVirtualKeyboard, windowHistoryLength

1.6.30 – Apr. 7, 2024

Detection and response

  • fix: Enhance sessionToken consistency

Identity verification

  • feat: support trigger drs session token api

Identity orchestration

  • fix: correctly handle server's assertion errors in sdk
  • feat: add support for otp retry and resend
  • feat: support auto replay in register / validate device actions

1.6.29 – Mar. 31, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: support new refinement failure reasons

Identity orchestration

  • feat: provide correct client response for OTP authentication actions.

1.6.28 – Mar. 24, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • feat: added support for TOTP Registration

Identity verification

  • feat: use state manager as single source to decide next step in flow

1.6.27 – Mar. 17, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: send api error code on error callback

1.6.26 – Feb. 25, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • feat: allow cross site cookies Identity verification
  • feat: use containing element as reference to calculate width to support landscape in tablets

1.6.25 – Feb. 18, 2024

Identity verification

  • feat: accept CSS variables defined by implementor to set font and font weight

1.6.24 – Feb. 11, 2024

  • feat: Global crypto-binding keys are clientId independent for consistency

Detection and response

  • feat: Use crypto-binding clientId independent


  • fix: unhandled errors on unsupported browsers

Identity orchestration

  • feat: Use crypto-binding clientId independent

1.6.23 – Jan. 18, 2024

Identity orchestration

  • fix: Serialized state to handle with unicode characters

1.6.22 – Jan. 14, 2024

Identity verification

  • fix: log DRS acquire action token error

1.6.21 – Jan. 7, 2024

Detection and response

  • feat: expose getSessionToken public function interface

1.6.20 – Dec. 31, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: changed clientResponseOptions to be an object instead of a map
  • feat: added failure_data to IdoServiceResponse

1.6.19 – Dec. 27, 2023


  • feat: added support for the Australian domain

1.6.18 – Dec. 26, 2023

  • feat: added support for Edge 18

1.6.17 – Dec. 24, 2023

Detection and response

  • feat: improved performance in user mouse events attributes collection

1.6.16 – Dec. 20, 2023


  • feat: added onReady handler to activate autofill
  • fix: caught autofill abort signal error

1.6.15 – Dec. 13, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • fix: changed WebAuthn registration action internal name

1.6.14 – Dec. 10, 2023

Detection and response

  • fix: AuditFingerprint edge case in Safari iOS

1.6.13 – Dec. 6, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: added New Authentication action
  • fix: WaitForAnotherDevice action

1.6.12 – Dec. 5, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: missing init param bug

1.6.11 – Dec. 3, 2023

Identity verification

  • feat: removed default API endpoint URL

1.6.10 - Nov. 29, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: added the new generateDebugPin action
  • feat: simplified the journey response fields, type is now deprecated

1.6.9 - Nov. 15, 2023

Detection and response

  • feat: added support for collecting mouseup & mousedown interaction events, added pressing indication for mouse events

1.6.8 - Nov. 13, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • fix: Validate device action

1.6.7 - Nov. 6, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • fix: Register / Validate device actions

1.6.6 - Nov. 5, 2023

Detection and response

  • fix: sending new navigator.userAgentData in every event for retrieving the latest OS & browser versions in Chromium-based browsers Identity orchestration
  • fix: version

1.6.5 - Nov. 2, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: supported Register / Validate device actions
  • feat: added journey completion token to IdoServiceResponse

1.6.4 - Oct. 23, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: supported WebAuthn registration action

1.6.3 - Oct. 17, 2023

Identity orchestration

  • feat: supported DRS trigger action
  • feat: supported IDV hosted action

1.6.2 - Oct. 16, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: added validation on camera video stream start before submitting an image

1.6.1 - Oct. 15, 2023

Detection and response

  • feat: added tracking crypto-binding identifiers on every action

1.6.0 - Oct. 5, 2023


  • feat: added support for cross-device flow

1.5.15 - Oct. 2, 2023

Identity verification

  • feat: allowed BI event API to be used with generated interfaces

1.5.14 - Sep. 20, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: selfie placeholder frame missing on iOS 17

1.5.13 - Sep. 13, 2023

Detection and response

  • improvements and fixes

1.5.12 - Sep. 13, 2023

Detection and response

  • feat: added new data points for better detection abilities

Identity orchestration

  • feat: supported crypto binding validation action

1.5.11 - Sep. 5, 2023

Identity verification

  • feat: added multiple stream validation for camera

1.5.10 - Sep. 1, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: error thrown when initializing the SDK without IDV params

Identity orchestration

  • feat: added support for Wait for CSM action

1.5.9 - Aug. 28, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: issues starting video source

1.5.8 - Aug. 22, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: camera feed starts in zoom

1.5.7 - Aug. 21, 2023

Identity verification

  • fix: SDK hosted app unexpected back behavior

1.5.6 - Aug. 15, 2023


  • feat: exposed GET default WebAuthn API paths function

1.5.0 - Jul. 23, 2023


  • BREAKING CHANGE: SDK init on event instead of invocation init

1.4.0 - Jul. 12, 2023


  • BREAKING CHANGE: introduced WebAuthn backend registration
  • BREAKING CHANGE: introduced backend authentication SDK
  • feat: added autofill handler
  • feat: implemented new SDK errors and removed SDK rejection
  • feat: moved WebAuthn support indication functions to a new version of SDK
  • feat: introduced a new structure for WebAuthn SDK
  • fix: activate autofill again after aborting
  • fix: added start registration endpoint
  • fix: converted type to interfaces
  • fix: interfaces and documentation
  • fix: removed async from autofill actions
  • fix: removed redundant allowed keys from local storage
  • fix: removed unused dependencies and upgraded vulnerable packages
  • fix: set device user in registration and changed interface
  • fix: upgraded dependencies
  • fix: wrong RP error handler

1.3.0 - Jul. 5, 2023

  • feat: added ido module

1.1.1 - Jun. 19, 2023

  • feat: added idv module

1.0.0 - May 18, 2023

  • feat: added drs module
  • feat: added webauthn module