Client access tokens
Client access tokens are used to authorize backend API calls to Mosaic services. They are retrieved by calling the /oidc/token
endpoint using a client credentials flow (see Get client access tokens), and passed in the Authorization header of API calls to authorize them. This describes the structure and semantics of the client access tokens returned by Mosaic.
The access token is a JWT (Json Web Token) signed by Mosaic. It contains standard JWT claims, and describes the access context (such as the client/app/tenant for which it was generated, which resources it can access, scope of permissions, etc.).
Claim | Description | Type |
sub | Subject of the token (client_id ) |
String |
iss | Issuer of the token, which should match the issuer returned from the /oidc/jwks endpoint. |
String |
iat | Time the token was issued. | Number |
exp | Expiration time, in epoch time format. The token will not be accepted on or after this time. | Number |
aud | Audience, which is the intended recipient of the token. If a specific resource is requested, this contains the resource URI. Default is userid-api . |
String |
scope | Requested scopes, as a space delimited string | String |
role | Contains the Admin role for an admin access token (which are generated using credentials of a Management Application). |
Array |
client_id | Identifer of the client that requested the access. | String |
app_name | Friendly name of the application that requested the access. | String |
app_id | Identifer of the application that requested the access. | String |
tid | Identifer of the tenant that requested the access. | String |
ts_roles | Lists roles assigned to the client. | Array |
ts_permissions | Contains the effective access permissions granted to the client through assigned roles. | Array |
Token example
Here's an example of a decoded client access token:
"tid": "6oi3tjkijshdfgekwjfwey9",
"app_name": "Acme",
"app_id": "zl2trg3sanjsd63qs7se",
"roles": [],
"jti": "ABCSrjsReaYKk-FSHHZU",
"sub": "u6jkjhsdf87efbwv57u",
"iat": 1675590719,
"exp": 1675594319,
"scope": "openid offline_access",
"client_id": "pVEZaxjhbdshcudsLe",
"iss": "",
"aud": "userid-api",
"ts_roles": ["reader"],
"ts_permissions": ["read:user"]