Search query syntax

When searching for users, you can create a search query based on the SCIM protocol.


Each expression in the following form: [SEARCH_FIELD] [OPERATOR] "[SEARCH_VALUE]". For example, this searches for a user named John: [NAME_FIELD] eq "John", where [NAME_FIELD] depends on the user schema you're using (see Searchable fields). You can combine search expressions using and/or operators and grouping with brackets.

Searchable fields

Searchable fields depend on the APIs you're using: Users APIs or User-SCIM APIs as they expose the user resource with different fields.


When searching for a date, provide it in the ISO 1806 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss±ZZ:zz. For example, 2023-04-22T05:52:49.703+00:00.

Users APIs

You can search for users using any of the following fields:

  • external_account_id - (string) user's unique app-level identifier in your system
  • external_user_id - (string) user's unique tenant-level identifier in your system
  • email - (string) user's primary email address
  • phone_number - (string) user's primary phone number
  • secondary_emails - (array of strings) user's secondary email addresses
  • secondary_phone_numbers - (array of strings) user's secondary phone numbers
  • last_auth - (date) date the user last authenticated in the ISO 1806 format
  • created_at - (number) date user record was created
  • updated_at - (number) date user record was updated
  • status - (string) user's status
  • birthday - (date) user's birthday as YYYY-MM-DD
  • name.first_name - (string) user's first name
  • name.middle_name - (string) user's middle name
  • name.last_name - (string) user's last name
  • custom_app_data.* - any nested custom_app_data fields


You can search for users using any field supported by SCIM-compatible user schema exposed by Transmit.

Supported operators

Search expressions may include any of the following operators:

  • eq - equal
  • ge - greater equal
  • gt - greater than
  • le - less equal
  • lt - less than
  • ne - not equal
  • pr - present
  • sw - starts with
  • and - and
  • or - or


Users APIs

Specify search criteria using the search query parameter of the GET /users request. For example:

  • name.first_name eq "John" searches for user named John
  • ( eq "USA")and(email sw "sales") returns users who are located in the US and whose promary email address starts with sales

Make sure to URL-encode the search query expression.


Specify search criteria using the filter query parameter of the GET /scim/users request or the filter object sent a part of the POST /scim/users/.search request. See Manage users with SCIM for details.

For example:

  • name.givenName eq "John" searches for a user named John
  • (preferredLanguage eq "en")or( eq "USA") returns users with English as their preferred language and also users located in the US