Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Labels API provided by Fraud Prevention allows you to give feedback about the accuracy of recommendations you received from Transmit Security.
Sends the label to our servers for analysis to improve our recommendation system.
Label has been received and stored successfully.
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "label_type": "KNOWN_MALICIOUS",
- "subject": {
- "type": "ACTION_ID",
- "value": "a05f8ae1-718f-4c33-a20c-682df281af7c",
- "recommendations": [
- "allow"
], - "is_campaign_confirmed": true
}, - "use_case": "ACCOUNT_TAKEOVER",
- "source": "MANUAL_REVIEW"
{- "message": "string",
- "label_id": "string",
- "label": {
- "label_id": "string",
- "label_type": "KNOWN_MALICIOUS",
- "subject": {
- "type": "ACTION_ID",
- "value": "a05f8ae1-718f-4c33-a20c-682df281af7c",
- "recommendations": [
- "allow"
], - "is_campaign_confirmed": true
}, - "use_case": "ACCOUNT_TAKEOVER",
- "source": "MANUAL_REVIEW",
- "label_timestamp": 1725961384920
}, - "afftectedActionIds": [
- "af819f2b3e2f1b2820077cb09fe92de5769c4e4b24030cf683f4d0b155ac4999",
- "9b83568185c39e4acb3e5d09176f0a70efdf5c414c2d1d90cb803dfb0b93ec53"