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Recommendation APIs provided by Fraud Prevention are used to assess risk level, obtain recommendations, and provide feedback
Get a risk recommendation for a client action reported to the SDK (via triggerActionEvent()
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "id": "385cd06b527a974982e0560b67123fe2b1b5a39fd98d8d32cdbaca8ec16fd62d",
- "issued_at": 1648028118123,
- "recommendation": {
- "type": "CHALLENGE",
- "result": "success",
- "challenge_type": "email_otp"
}, - "risk_score": 73.2,
- "context": {
- "action_id": "885cd06b527a97498200560b67123fe221b5a39fd98d8d22cdb7ca8ec16ed62d",
- "action_type": "login",
- "action_performed_at": 1648028118123,
- "device_timestamp": 1648028107819,
- "client_id": "",
- "application_id": "ece93f4",
- "tenant_id": "c2a3d12",
- "device_id": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIwZGE4ZmZjYy01NmE1LTRmMjgtYThkZi04NDY5MmYwYThmYTAiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2NTU3OTYzODQ1MzF9.TeGoqlCe_6eWzl9a3-vAumG4Xap8WjwsgcO2-DzGtLg",
- "correlation_id": "bcb934d8-89cb-433b-a4c7-b7d94299586b",
- "device_fingerprint": "a3c8f5ea75cb65fcdc3d0452b985f957a46e24afdc912e93dac1e115ecf408e5",
- "device_public_key": "625ad815e47a1a05318c98185ff8cfb35fd706d836a1ad7459842f381929a8e3",
- "user_id": "5c4afa75c",
- "claimed_user_id": "5c4afa75c",
- "ip": "",
- "ip_country": "UK",
- "ip_region": "California",
- "ip_location_city": "Los Angeles",
- "ip_location_zip": 92131,
- "ip_location_longitude": "-117.0903",
- "ip_location_latitude": "32.9167",
- "ip_asn_name": "AS174 Cogent Communications",
- "ip_asn_id": "AS174",
- "ip_organization_name": "Cogent Communications",
- "ip_organization_type": "isp",
- "ip_location_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "device_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "device_languages": [
- "en-US",
- "en"
], - "device_platform": "desktop",
- "os_name": "macOS",
- "os_version": "14.1.0",
- "browser_name": "Chrome",
- "browser_version": "113",
- "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36"
}, - "risk_signals": {
- "device": {
- "ram": 0,
- "total_storage": 0,
- "available_storage": 0,
- "battery_level": 0,
- "device_power_state": "string",
- "core_number": 0,
- "graphic_card": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "screen_width": 0,
- "screen_height": 0,
- "incognito": true,
- "tampered": true,
- "emulated": true,
- "spoofed": true,
- "tz_mismatch": true,
- "esim_usage": true,
- "accept_languages": "string",
- "mobile_network_code": "string",
- "screen_avail_width": 0,
- "screen_avail_height": 0,
- "font_count": 0,
- "cpu_arch": "string",
- "device_navigator_useragent": "string",
- "true_useragent": "string",
- "device_timezone_offset": 0,
- "summer_timezone_offset": 0,
- "winter_timezone_offset": 0,
- "device_name": "string"
}, - "network": {
- "vpn": true,
- "tor": true,
- "hosting": true,
- "proxy": true,
- "anonymizer": true,
- "ip_x_forwarded_for": "string"
}, - "behavior": {
- "typing_velocity": 0.867,
- "movement_velocity": 10,
- "input_method": [
- "is_typing",
- "is_paste"
], - "no_user_interaction": true,
- "straight_line_ratio": 0,
- "right_angels_ratio": 0,
- "minor_angels_ratio": 0,
- "movement_latency": 0,
- "corner_click": true
}, - "history": {
- "ip_action_rate_60_sec": 1,
- "user_action_rate_60_sec": 2,
- "device_action_rate_60_sec": 1,
- "ip_user_count_last_hour": 1,
- "linking_user_to_device_count": 1,
- "linking_device_to_users_count": 1,
- "ip_device_count_last_hour": 1
}, - "reasons": [
], - "transaction_data": {
- "amount": 120,
- "currency": "USD",
- "reason": "string",
- "transactionDate": 0,
- "payer": {
- "name": "string",
- "bankIdentifier": "string",
- "branchIdentifier": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string"
}, - "payee": {
- "name": "string",
- "bankIdentifier": "string",
- "branchIdentifier": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string"
}, - "threats": [
], - "preview_rule": {
- "rule_name": "string",
- "recommendation": "string"
Creates a new recommendation rule. Returns the rule_id
used to reference the rule in subsequent requests.
Rule created successfully
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Unique field collision
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "name": "Block risky countries",
- "priority": 10,
- "matcher": {
- "ip_cidrs": [
- "string"
}, - "recommendation": "CHALLENGE",
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "PREVIEW"
{- "message": "string",
- "rule_id": "string"
Retrieves a list of all recommendation rules
Rules retrieved successfully
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "Block risky countries",
- "priority": 10,
- "matcher": {
- "ip_cidrs": [
- "string"
}, - "recommendation": "CHALLENGE",
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "PREVIEW"
Retrieves a specific recommendation rule by its ID
Rule retrieved successfully
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Not found
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "id": "string",
- "data": {
- "name": "Block risky countries",
- "priority": 10,
- "matcher": {
- "ip_cidrs": [
- "string"
}, - "recommendation": "CHALLENGE",
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "PREVIEW"
Updates a specific recommendation rule
Rule updated successfully
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Not found
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "name": "Block risky countries",
- "priority": 10,
- "matcher": {
- "ip_cidrs": [
- "string"
}, - "recommendation": "CHALLENGE",
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "PREVIEW"
{- "message": "string"
Deletes a specific recommendation rule. Note that you can also disable rules if needed using the enabled rule attribute.
Rule updated successfully
Bad request
Invalid authentication
Invalid authorization
Not found
Rate limit reached
Internal error
{- "message": "string"