Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Manage your applications and their clients. An application requires at least one client, the first client is created automatically and set as default. The application can be configured to use additional clients which can be added later. Application APIs are authorized using an access token of a relevant app or using an admin access token of the management application.
Create a new application with a default client. The fields marked as deprecated are now managed on the client level. To update a default client, create additional clients, or fetch all app clients, use /clients
or applications/{appId}/clients
{- "app_name": "My App",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "first_client_authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "first_client": {
- "name": "My Client",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "supported_prompts": [
- "login",
- "consent",
- "none"
], - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true,
- "role_ids": [
- "string"
}, - "logo": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": false,
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": "",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials"
{- "result": {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "logo": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "login_preferences": {
- "auth_methods": {
- "google": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "facebook": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "email_otp": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "apple": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string",
- "appleTeamId": "string",
- "keyId": "string"
}, - "sms": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6
}, - "webauthn_api": {
- "rpId": "string",
- "rpOrigin": "string",
- "rpOrigins": [
- "string"
], - "replaceExistingPasskey": false
}, - "line": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "resetValidityMinutes": 5,
- "passwordComplexity": 5,
- "passwordMinLength": 14,
- "blockPreviousPasswords": 0,
- "checkHibp": false,
- "checkDictionary": false,
- "passwordExpiresIn": 90,
- "ignoreExpiration": false,
- "maxPasswordFailures": 5,
- "passwordSuspensionDuration": 15,
- "failuresExpireIn": 15,
- "tempPasswordValidityHours": 24,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "requireMFA": false,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "notifyOnPasswordUpdate": false
}, - "totp": {
- "algorithm": "sha1",
- "digits": 6,
- "period": 30,
- "window": 2,
- "issuer": "My Company",
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "lockoutDuration": 15
}, - "push": {
- "apn": {
- "key": "string",
- "keyId": "string",
- "teamId": "string",
- "bundle": "string",
- "isProduction": true
}, - "fcm": {
- "key": { }
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": true,
- "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "password_sharing_group_id": "string",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "error": "string"
}, - "external_communication": {
- "language": "en"
Retrieves a list of all applications with their default clients. The fields marked as deprecated are now managed on the client level. To update a default client, create additional clients, or fetch all app clients, use /clients
or applications/{appId}/clients
{- "result": [
- {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "login_preferences": {
- "auth_methods": {
- "google": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "facebook": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "email_otp": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "apple": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string",
- "appleTeamId": "string",
- "keyId": "string"
}, - "sms": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6
}, - "webauthn_api": {
- "rpId": "string",
- "rpOrigin": "string",
- "rpOrigins": [
- "string"
], - "replaceExistingPasskey": false
}, - "line": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "resetValidityMinutes": 5,
- "passwordComplexity": 5,
- "passwordMinLength": 14,
- "blockPreviousPasswords": 0,
- "checkHibp": false,
- "checkDictionary": false,
- "passwordExpiresIn": 90,
- "ignoreExpiration": false,
- "maxPasswordFailures": 5,
- "passwordSuspensionDuration": 15,
- "failuresExpireIn": 15,
- "tempPasswordValidityHours": 24,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "requireMFA": false,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "notifyOnPasswordUpdate": false
}, - "totp": {
- "algorithm": "sha1",
- "digits": 6,
- "period": 30,
- "window": 2,
- "issuer": "My Company",
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "lockoutDuration": 15
}, - "push": {
- "apn": {
- "key": "string",
- "keyId": "string",
- "teamId": "string",
- "bundle": "string",
- "isProduction": true
}, - "fcm": {
- "key": { }
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": true,
- "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "password_sharing_group_id": "string",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "error": "string"
}, - "external_communication": {
- "language": "en"
Retrieves a list of all applications with their basic information.
{- "result": [
- {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
Retrieves an application by application ID with the default client. The fields marked as deprecated are now managed on the client level. To update a default client, create additional clients, or fetch all app clients, use /clients
or applications/{appId}/clients
{- "result": {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "logo": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "login_preferences": {
- "auth_methods": {
- "google": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "facebook": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "email_otp": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "apple": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string",
- "appleTeamId": "string",
- "keyId": "string"
}, - "sms": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6
}, - "webauthn_api": {
- "rpId": "string",
- "rpOrigin": "string",
- "rpOrigins": [
- "string"
], - "replaceExistingPasskey": false
}, - "line": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "resetValidityMinutes": 5,
- "passwordComplexity": 5,
- "passwordMinLength": 14,
- "blockPreviousPasswords": 0,
- "checkHibp": false,
- "checkDictionary": false,
- "passwordExpiresIn": 90,
- "ignoreExpiration": false,
- "maxPasswordFailures": 5,
- "passwordSuspensionDuration": 15,
- "failuresExpireIn": 15,
- "tempPasswordValidityHours": 24,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "requireMFA": false,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "notifyOnPasswordUpdate": false
}, - "totp": {
- "algorithm": "sha1",
- "digits": 6,
- "period": 30,
- "window": 2,
- "issuer": "My Company",
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "lockoutDuration": 15
}, - "push": {
- "apn": {
- "key": "string",
- "keyId": "string",
- "teamId": "string",
- "bundle": "string",
- "isProduction": true
}, - "fcm": {
- "key": { }
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": true,
- "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "password_sharing_group_id": "string",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "error": "string"
}, - "external_communication": {
- "language": "en"
Updates an application. The fields marked as deprecated are now managed on the client level. To update a default client, create additional clients, or fetch all app clients, use /clients
or applications/{appId}/clients
endpoints. Note: Fields that are objects cannot be partially updated, since the new value you set will just replace the current one.
{- "app_name": "My App",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "first_client_authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "first_client": {
- "name": "My Client",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "supported_prompts": [
- "login",
- "consent",
- "none"
], - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true,
- "role_ids": [
- "string"
}, - "logo": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": false,
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": "",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials"
{- "result": {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "logo": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "login_preferences": {
- "auth_methods": {
- "google": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "facebook": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "email_otp": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "apple": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string",
- "appleTeamId": "string",
- "keyId": "string"
}, - "sms": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6
}, - "webauthn_api": {
- "rpId": "string",
- "rpOrigin": "string",
- "rpOrigins": [
- "string"
], - "replaceExistingPasskey": false
}, - "line": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "resetValidityMinutes": 5,
- "passwordComplexity": 5,
- "passwordMinLength": 14,
- "blockPreviousPasswords": 0,
- "checkHibp": false,
- "checkDictionary": false,
- "passwordExpiresIn": 90,
- "ignoreExpiration": false,
- "maxPasswordFailures": 5,
- "passwordSuspensionDuration": 15,
- "failuresExpireIn": 15,
- "tempPasswordValidityHours": 24,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "requireMFA": false,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "notifyOnPasswordUpdate": false
}, - "totp": {
- "algorithm": "sha1",
- "digits": 6,
- "period": 30,
- "window": 2,
- "issuer": "My Company",
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "lockoutDuration": 15
}, - "push": {
- "apn": {
- "key": "string",
- "keyId": "string",
- "teamId": "string",
- "bundle": "string",
- "isProduction": true
}, - "fcm": {
- "key": { }
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": true,
- "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "password_sharing_group_id": "string",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "error": "string"
}, - "external_communication": {
- "language": "en"
Update the list of resources that a default client of the application is allowed to explicitly request access to
{- "resource_ids": [
- "string"
{- "result": {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "app_name": "string",
- "app_description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "logo": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_display_name": "string",
- "client_description": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "login_preferences": {
- "auth_methods": {
- "google": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "facebook": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "email_otp": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "apple": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string",
- "appleTeamId": "string",
- "keyId": "string"
}, - "sms": {
- "expiresIn": 0,
- "lockoutDuration": 15,
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "codeLength": 6
}, - "webauthn_api": {
- "rpId": "string",
- "rpOrigin": "string",
- "rpOrigins": [
- "string"
], - "replaceExistingPasskey": false
}, - "line": {
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "resetValidityMinutes": 5,
- "passwordComplexity": 5,
- "passwordMinLength": 14,
- "blockPreviousPasswords": 0,
- "checkHibp": false,
- "checkDictionary": false,
- "passwordExpiresIn": 90,
- "ignoreExpiration": false,
- "maxPasswordFailures": 5,
- "passwordSuspensionDuration": 15,
- "failuresExpireIn": 15,
- "tempPasswordValidityHours": 24,
- "message": {
- "primaryColor": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "requireMFA": false,
- "codeLength": 6,
- "notifyOnPasswordUpdate": false
}, - "totp": {
- "algorithm": "sha1",
- "digits": 6,
- "period": 30,
- "window": 2,
- "issuer": "My Company",
- "maxFailures": 3,
- "lockoutDuration": 15
}, - "push": {
- "apn": {
- "key": "string",
- "keyId": "string",
- "teamId": "string",
- "bundle": "string",
- "isProduction": true
}, - "fcm": {
- "key": { }
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "service_providers": [
- "string"
], - "authenticator_preferences": {
- "is_centralized": false,
}, - "allow_public_signup": true,
- "client_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "password_sharing_group_id": "string",
- "subdomain": "myapp",
- "invite_member_email_expiration_minutes": 2880,
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "error": "string"
}, - "external_communication": {
- "language": "en"
Create a new client
name required | string Name of the client |
description | string Short description of the client |
redirect_uris required | Array of strings List of URIs approved for redirects for your client |
client_type | string Default: "web" Client type |
response_types | Array of strings Default: ["code","id_token"] Items Enum: "code" "id_token" |
token_endpoint_auth_method | string Deprecated Default: "client_secret_basic" This field is deprecated- to configure pkce use "pkce" field instead |
resources | Array of strings List of resources IDs associated with this client |
object Configuration for an OAuth Device Authorization Flow | |
object CIBA authorization flow configuration | |
pkce | string PKCE configuration |
{- "name": "My Client",
- "description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials"
{- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "supported_prompts": [
- "login"
], - "authentication_configuration": {
- "method": "client_secret_basic",
- "jwks": { },
- "isMtlsCertTokenBound": true
}, - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true
Retrieves a list of clients for an application.
[- {
- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "supported_prompts": [
- "login"
], - "authentication_configuration": {
- "method": "client_secret_basic",
- "jwks": { },
- "isMtlsCertTokenBound": true
}, - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true
Deletes all clients for an application.
{- "message": "Bad request",
- "error_code": 400
Retrieves a client by client ID
{- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "supported_prompts": [
- "login"
], - "authentication_configuration": {
- "method": "client_secret_basic",
- "jwks": { },
- "isMtlsCertTokenBound": true
}, - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true
Update a client. Note: Fields that are objects cannot be partially updated, since the new value you set will just replace the current one.
name | string Name of the client |
description | string Short description of the client |
redirect_uris | Array of strings List of URIs approved for redirects for your client |
client_type | string Default: "web" Client type |
response_types | Array of strings Default: ["code","id_token"] Items Enum: "code" "id_token" |
token_endpoint_auth_method | string Deprecated Default: "client_secret_basic" This field is deprecated- to configure pkce use "pkce" field instead |
resources | Array of strings List of resources IDs associated with this client |
object Configuration for an OAuth Device Authorization Flow | |
object CIBA authorization flow configuration | |
pkce | string PKCE configuration |
{- "name": "My Client",
- "description": "string",
- "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials"
{- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "supported_prompts": [
- "login"
], - "authentication_configuration": {
- "method": "client_secret_basic",
- "jwks": { },
- "isMtlsCertTokenBound": true
}, - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true
Update the list of resources that a client is allowed to explicitly request access to
{- "resource_ids": [
- "string"
{- "app_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "client_id": "string",
- "client_secret": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "authentication_protocol": "oidc",
- "client_group_id": "string",
- "default_custom_claims": [
- "tid"
], - "redirect_uris": [
- "string"
], - "client_type": "web",
- "response_types": [
- "code"
], - "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
- "pkce": "enforcePkceInsteadOfClientCredentials",
- "device_authorization": {
- "enabled": false,
}, - "supported_prompts": [
- "login"
], - "authentication_configuration": {
- "method": "client_secret_basic",
- "jwks": { },
- "isMtlsCertTokenBound": true
}, - "token_expiration": {
- "access_token_ttl": 0,
- "refresh_token_ttl": 0,
- "max_refresh_rotate": 0
}, - "session_expiration": 0,
- "enforce_par": true