Merging data streams
Merging allows you to bring multiple data streams together.
To merge data from different branches or nodes, use the Merge node.
To compare data, merge it, and output data streams based on the comparison, use the Compare Datasets node.
Merge data from different branches
If your workflow splits, use the Merge node to combine the separate branches back into one branch.
Here's an example workflow showing different types of merging: appending data sets, keeping only new items, and keeping only existing items. See the Merge node documentation to know more about the merge operations.
Merge data from different nodes
You can use the Merge node to combine data from two previous nodes, even if the workflow hasn't split into branches. This can be useful if you want to generate a single dataset from the data generated by multiple nodes.
Compare, merge, and split again
The Compare Datasets node compares data streams before merging them. It outputs up to four different branches.