
Use the Grist node to automate work in Grist, and integrate Grist with other applications. Mosaic Workflows has built-in support for a wide range of Grist features, including creating, updating, deleting, and reading rows in a table.

On this page, you'll find a list of operations the Grist node supports and links to more resources.


Refer to Grist credentials for guidance on setting up authentication.

Basic operations

  • Create rows in a table
  • Delete rows from a table
  • Read rows from a table
  • Update rows in a table


How to get the Row ID?

To update or delete a particular record, you need the Row ID. There are two ways to get the Row ID.

Create a Row ID column in Grist

Create a new column in your Grist table with the formula $id.

Use the Get All operation

The Get All operation returns the Row ID of each record along with the fields.

You can obtain it with the expression {{$node["GristNodeName"].json["id"]}}.

How to filter records when using the Get All operation?

  • Click on Add Option and select 'Filter' from the dropdown list.
  • You can add filters for any number of columns. The result will only include records which match all the columns.
  • For each column, you can enter any number of values separated by commas. The result will include records which match any of the values for that column.