
PostBin is a service that helps you test API clients and webhooks. Use the PostBin node to automate work in Postbin, and integrate PostBin with other applications. Mosaic Workflows has built-in support for a wide range of PostBin features, including creating and deleting bins, and getting and sending requests.

On this page, you'll find a list of operations the PostBin node supports, and links to more resources.


  • Bin
    • Create
    • Get
    • Delete
  • Request
    • Get
    • Remove First
    • Send

Send requests

To send requests to a Postbin bin:

  1. Go to Postbin and follow the steps to generate a new bin. Postbin gives you a unique URL, including a bin ID.
  2. In the Postbin node, select the Request resource.
  3. Choose the type of Operation you want to perform.
  4. Enter your bin ID in Bin ID .

Create and manage bins

You can create and manage Postbin bins using the Postbin node.

  1. In Resource , select Bin .
  2. Choose an Operation . You can create, delete, or get a bin.