
Use the Spotify node to automate work in Spotify, and integrate Spotify with other applications. Mosaic Workflows has built-in support for a wide range of Spotify features, including getting album and artist information.

On this page, you'll find a list of operations the Spotify node supports and links to more resources.


Refer to Spotify credentials for guidance on setting up authentication.

Basic Operations

  • Album
    • Get an album by URI or ID.
    • Get a list of new album releases.
    • Get an album's tracks by URI or ID.
    • Search albums by keyword.
  • Artist
    • Get an artist by URI or ID.
    • Get an artist's albums by URI or ID.
    • Get an artist's related artists by URI or ID.
    • Get an artist's top tracks by URI or ID.
    • Search artists by keyword.
  • Library
    • Get the user's liked tracks.
  • My Data
    • Get your followed artists.
  • Player
    • Add a song to your queue.
    • Get your currently playing track.
    • Skip to your next track.
    • Pause your music.
    • Skip to your previous song.
    • Get your recently played tracks.
    • Resume playback on the current active device.
    • Set volume on the current active device.
    • Start playing a playlist, artist, or album.
  • Playlist
    • Add tracks from a playlist by track and playlist URI or ID.
    • Create a new playlist.
    • Get a playlist by URI or ID.
    • Get a playlist's tracks by URI or ID.
    • Get a user's playlists.
    • Remove tracks from a playlist by track and playlist URI or ID.
    • Search playlists by keyword.
  • Track
    • Get a track by its URI or ID.
    • Get audio features for a track by URI or ID.
    • Search tracks by keyword

What to do if your operation isn't supported

If this node doesn't support the operation you want to do, you can use the HTTP Request node to call the service's API.

You can use the credential you created for this service in the HTTP Request node:

  1. In the HTTP Request node, select Authentication > Predefined Credential Type .
  2. Select the service you want to connect to.
  3. Select your credential.