
Use the OpenAI node to automate work in OpenAI, and integrate OpenAI with other applications. Mosaic Workflows has built-in support for a wide range of OpenAI features, including creating images and assistants, as well as chatting with models.

On this page, you'll find a list of operations the OpenAI node supports and links to more resources.


Refer to OpenAI credentials for guidance on setting up authentication.


  • Assistant
    • Create
    • Delete
    • List
    • Message
    • Update
  • Text
    • Message a Model
    • Classify Text for Violations
  • Image
    • Analyze
    • Generate
  • Audio
    • Generate
    • Transcribe
    • Translate
  • File
    • Delete
    • List
    • Upload

Related resources

Refer to OpenAI's assistants documentation for more information about how assistants work.

For help dealing with rate limits, refer to Handling rate limits.

What to do if your operation isn't supported

If this node doesn't support the operation you want to do, you can use the HTTP Request node to call the service's API.

You can use the credential you created for this service in the HTTP Request node:

  1. In the HTTP Request node, select Authentication > Predefined Credential Type .
  2. Select the service you want to connect to.
  3. Select your credential.

Using tools with OpenAI assistants

Some operations allow you to connect tools. Tools act like addons that your AI can use to access extra context or resources.

Select the Tools connector to browse the available tools and add them.

Once you add a tool connection, the OpenAI node becomes a root node, allowing it to form a cluster node with the tools sub-nodes. See Node types for more information on cluster nodes and root nodes.

Operations that support tool connectors

  • Assistant
    • Message Assistant
  • Text
    • Message Model

Using memory with OpenAI assistants

For the Message Assistant operation, you can connect a memory sub-node to preserve and retrieve chat history. The assistant uses this to maintain context across multiple messages. The connected memory sub-node is the source of truth for the assistant's memory.

To do this, Mosaic Workflows uses OpenAI's threads. Mosaic Workflows creates a new thread on each time the node executes, and pre-populates it with messages from the memory sub-node. After the run finishes, Mosaic Workflows updates the memory sub-node with the new messages, and deletes the thread from OpenAI.