
Use the Aggregate node to take separate items, or portions of them, and group them together into individual items.

Node parameters

  • Aggregate : choose whether to aggregate Individual Fields or All Item Data .
  • If you choose Individual Fields , you can then configure the fields you want to aggregate with the following parameters:
    • Input Field Name : the name of the field in the input data to be aggregated together.
    • Rename Field : enable this toggle to enter a field name for the aggregated output data. When aggregating multiple fields you must provide new output field names. You can't leave multiple fields undefined.
    • Output Field Name : displayed when you enable Rename Field . The field name for the aggregated output data.
    • Options > Add Field : use this to add more optional settings, including:
      • Disable Dot Notation : when disabled, you can't reference child fields (in the format parent.child ).
      • Merge Lists : enable this if the field to aggregate is a list, and you want to output a single flat list rather than a list of lists.
      • Include Binaries : include binary data from the input in the new output.
      • Keep Missing And Null Values : enable this to add a null (empty) entry in the output list when there is a null or missing value in the input.
  • If you choose All Item Data , you can then set:
    • Put Output in Field : the name of the output field.
    • Include : choose from All fields , Specified Fields , or All Fields Except .
    • Options > Add Field : use this to add the setting:
      • Include Binaries : include binary data from the input in the new output.

Related resources

Learn more about data structure and data flow in Mosaic Workflows workflows.