Convert to File

Use the Convert to File node to take input data and output it as a file. This converts the input JSON data into a binary format.

Node parameters

  • Operation > Convert to CSV :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to HTML :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to iCal :
    • Event Title
    • Start : event start time.
    • End : event end time.
    • All Day : whether the event is an all day event (enabled) or not (disabled).
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to JSON :
    • Mode : choose All Items to One File to send all input items to a single file, or Each Item to Separate File to create a file for every input item.
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to ODS :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to RTF :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to XLS :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Convert to XLSX :
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Move Base64 String to File :
    • Base64 Input Field : the name of the field in the node input data that contains the Base64 string.
    • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.


Use the Options parameters to configure additional settings. These vary depending on the file type you're creating. You can set the File Name for all file types.