Read/Write Files from Disk

Use the Read/Write Files from Disk node to read and write files from/to the machine where Mosaic Workflows is running.

Node parameters

  • Operation > Read File(s) From Disk :
    • File(s) Selector : the path to read files from.
  • Operation > Write File to Disk :
    • File Path and Name : set the destination for the file.
    • Input Binary Field : the name of the field in the node input data that contains the binary file.


The node options available depend on the operation.

Read File(s) From Disk

  • File Extension : set the extension for the file in the node output.
  • File Name : set the name for the file in the node output.
  • MIME Type : set the file's MIME type in the node output.
  • Put Output File in Field : set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.

Write File to Disk

Append: enable this to append to an existing file, instead of creating a new one.

File locations

If you run Mosaic Workflows in Docker, your command runs in the Mosaic Workflows container and not the Docker host.

This node looks for files relative to the Mosaic Workflows install path. Mosaic Workflows recommends using absolute file paths to prevent any errors.