
Use the Summarize node to aggregate items together, in a manner similar to Excel pivot tables.

Node parameters

  • Fields to Summarize :
    • To combine values, select an Aggregation method, and enter a Field name.
    • To split values, enter a field name or list of names in Fields to Split By .
  • Options > Add Field : use this to add more optional settings, including:
    • Disable Dot Notation : when disabled, you can't reference child fields (in the format parent.child ).
    • Output Format :
      • Each Split in a Separate Item : splitting generates a separate output item for each split out field.
      • All Splits in a Single Item : splitting generates a single item, which lists the split out fields.
    • Ignore items without valid fields to group by : ignore input items that don't contain the field specified in Fields to Summarize .

Related resources

Learn more about data structure and data flow in Mosaic Workflows workflows.