Contentful credentials

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Supported authentication methods

  • API access token

Using API access token

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • Your Contentful Space ID : The Space ID displays as you generate the tokens; You can also refer to the Contentful Find space ID documentation to view the Space ID.
  • A Content Delivery API Access Token : Required if you want to use the Content Delivery API . Leave blank if you do not intend to use this API.
  • A Content Preview API Access Token : Required if you want to use the Content Preview API . Leave blank if you do not intend to use this API.

View and generate access tokens in Contentful in Settings > API keys. Contentful generates tokens for both Content Delivery API and Content Preview API as part of a single key. Refer to Contentful Creating and managing API keys for detailed instructions.