ERPNext credentials

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Supported authentication methods

  • API key

Related resources

Refer to ERPNext's developer documentation for more information about working with the framework.

Using API key

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An API Key : Generate this from your own ERPNext user account in Settings > My Settings > API Access .
  • An API Secret : Generated with the API key.
  • Your ERPNext Environment :
    • For Cloud-hosted :
      • Your ERPNext Subdomain : Refer to the FAQs
      • Your Domain : Choose between and .
    • For Self-hosted :
      • The fully qualified Domain where you host ERPNext
  • Choose whether to Ignore SSL Issues : When selected, Mosaic Workflows will connect even if SSL certificate validation is unavailable.

If you are an ERPNext System Manager, you can also generate API keys and secrets for other users. Refer to the ERPNext Adding Users documentation for more information.

How to find the subdomain of an ERPNext cloud-hosted account

You can find your ERPNext subdomain by reviewing the address bar of your browser. The string between https:// and either or is your subdomain.

For example, if the URL in the address bar is, the subdomain is transmit.