NocoDB credentials

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Using Auth Token

From NocoDB Project:

  1. Click the rightmost button and click Copy auth token .

From Mosaic Workflows:

  1. Enter a descriptive Credentials Name .
  2. In the Credentials Data section enter the following:
    • API Token : The authentication token for your NocoDB project.
    • Host : The host of your NocoDB instance, for example http://localhost:8080 .
  3. Click Create to save your new credentials.

Using API Token

From NocoDB Project: Enable API Access

From Mosaic Workflows:

  1. Enter a descriptive Credentials Name .
  2. In the Credentials Data section enter the following:
    • API Token : The authentication token for your NocoDB project, obtained when enabling API access (above).
    • Host : The host of your NocoDB instance, for example http://localhost:8080 .
  3. Click Create to save your new credentials.