WhatsApp Business credentials

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Refer to the WhatsApp documentation to get your access token and business account ID.

Configuring a new app in Meta for Developers

You need an app in Meta for Developers to authenticate with WhatsApp.

  1. Create a new app in Meta for Developers .
  2. For What do you want your app to do? select Other .
  3. For App type seelct Business .
  4. Give the app a name.
  5. Select Create app .
  6. In App settings > Basic set the Privacy Policy URL and Terms of Service URL for the app.
  7. Change the App Mode to Live .
  8. In Add product , add WhatsApp by selecting Set up in the corresponding WhatsApp box.
  9. In WhatsApp > Quickstart select a business portfolio, then selecting Continue .