Node types

Nodes are the building blocks of workflows in Mosaic Workflows. They're an entry point for retrieving data, a function to process data, or an exit for sending data. The data process includes filtering, recomposing, and changing data. There can be one or several nodes for your API, service, or app. You can connect multiple nodes, which allows you to create complex workflows.

Actions & Triggers

When you add any node to a workflow, Mosaic Workflows displays a list of available operations. An operation is something a node does, such as getting or sending data.

All nodes may have a different operational role:

  • Actions : are operations that represent specific tasks within a workflow, which you can use to manipulate data, perform operations on external systems, and trigger events in other systems as part of your workflows.
  • Triggers : start a workflow in response to specific events or conditions in your services. When you select a Trigger, Mosaic Workflows adds a trigger node to your workflow, with the Trigger operation you chose pre-selected.

Core nodes

Core nodes can be actions or triggers. Whereas most nodes connect to a specific external service, core nodes provide functionality such as logic, scheduling, or generic API calls.

Mosaic nodes

These are built-in nodes designed to communicate with Mosaic-specific APIs. They enable you to integrate some Admin Portal capabilities into your processes (e.g., fetching recommendations or sending back labels to enhance fraud detection and response processing)


External services need a way to identify and authenticate users. This data can range from an API key over an email/password combination to a long multi-line private key. You can save these in Mosaic Workflows as credentials.

Nodes in Mosaic Workflows can then request that credential information. As another layer of security, only node types with specific access rights can access the credentials.

To learn more about creating, managing, and sharing credentials, refer to Manage credentials.

Generic Integrations

If you need to connect to a service where Mosaic Workflows doesn't have a node, or a credential-only node, you can still use the HTTP Request node. Refer to the node page for details on how to set up authentication and create your API call.

Where to go next

  • If you'd like to learn more about the different nodes in Mosaic Workflows,their functionalities, and example usage, check out Mosaic Workflows's node libraries: Actions , Core nodes and Mosaic nodes .
  • If you'd like to learn how to add the credentials for the different nodes, head over to the Credentials section.