Manage all executions

The Executions section (Admin Portal > Automated workflows) shows all executions for all workflows.

Browse executions

Select All workflows to open the list.

Filter executions

You can filter the executions list by choosing a specific workflow from the All workflows list, or by filtering workflows based on Status and execution start dates.

Retry failed workflows

If your workflow execution fails, you can retry the execution. To retry a failed workflow:

  1. Select your workflow from the All workflows list to open the list of executions for the workflows.
  2. On the execution you want to retry, click the Retry execution icon and select either of the following options to retry the execution:
    • Retry with currently saved workflow : Once you make changes to your workflow, you can select this option to execute the workflow with the previous execution data.
    • Retry with original workflow : If you want to retry the execution without making changes to your workflow, you can select this option to retry the execution with the previous execution data.

Load data from previous executions into your current workflow

You can load data from a previous workflow back into the canvas. Refer to Debug executions for more information.