Manage admin users

The platform enables you to manage users with admin roles via the Admin Portal. Currently, the platform supports the following admin roles:

  • Global admin : Portal-level user with writing privileges. Can view and modify any objects.
  • Global reader : Portal-level user with read-only privileges. Can view any objects.
  • FlexID roles: journey author , 3rd party integration manager , security officer , support , global admin . These roles are specific to FlexID product.

View admin users

Go to Settings > Admins:

You can sort the system users by last visit and date added.

Create, edit, or delete admin users

To add an admin user:

  1. Go to Settings > Admins .
  2. Tap +Add admin .
  3. Enter the user's email.
  4. To add a role, choose it from a list and tap +Assign :
  5. Save the changes.

To edit or delete an account:

  • Edit an admin account by tapping and then Edit user .
  • Delete an admin account by tapping and then Delete .

New accounts require validation: the users need to confirm their accounts by opening a link in the welcome email message.