Security insights

To assist fraud analysts in efficiently identifying and prioritizing sensitive tasks, we have developed the Security Insights view. Once you integrate Fraud Prevention into your web application, this view offers an overview of high-priority and severe events, such as fraud rings and campaigns, enabling fraud prevention teams to promptly address suspicious activities.

Usage and benefits

In the Security Insights view, fraud prevention teams can:

  • Get a comprehensive list of fraud rings and campaigns that require review by fraud analysts. These fraudulent activities are organized chronologically and categorized by type and application, helping prioritize sensitive tasks.
  • Access a detailed overview of each fraudulent activity, including specific details about the type of event. (see Get a fraud campaign overview and Analyze fraud ring details).
  • Optimize collaboration in reviewing risk events with a dashboard that facilitates tracking the progress of each event review using specific statuses.

Additionally, when a fraud analyst marks events as fraudulent, it not only enhances the accuracy of our ML recommendation models but also optimizes machine learning by revealing new fraud patterns that weren't previously identified.

Get a fraud campaign overview

The fraud campaign overview is designed to help fraud analysts quickly review data associated with a suspicious fraud campaign and assist in making decisions regarding confirming the campaign as fraudulent.

When accessing the fraud campaign overview, analysts first encounter a written summary containing details such as the quantity and frequency of observed suspicious events, users and devices involved, telemetry data collected, and recommendations generated.

In addition to gaining an overall understanding of the fraud campaign context, analysts can analyze a detailed breakdown of the user actions, telemetry data, and recommendations used to formulate the initial summary, presented in the form of analytics. This allows them to determine whether suspicious events are indeed connected to fraud and confirm the presence of a fraud campaign.

Please note that if fraud rings are detected as part of the fraud campaign, they will be listed and can be investigated on a dedicated page (more below).

Analyze fraud ring details

The Security Insights view enables analysts to review the details of fraud rings, which are groups of connected entities involved in some activity, either suspected as fraudulent or not.

A fraud ring can be detected regardless of the detection of a campaign (series of suspicious events) and can provide insights on its own. If entities in a ring are involved in a campaign, their involvement will be documented, and they will be linked to that campaign in the system.

Example fraud campaign analysis

Here's an example of navigation within the Security insights view, while performing suspicious activity investigations.