View user activity

Mosaic provides a log for user actions, such as when a user is created or logs in to an app. The log includes the time the event occurred and when applicable, the ID of the user who created the event, the ID of the app in which the event was created, and IP address of the user's device.

View or search for events

From User Activity, you can view user events. You can filter the events using the search box at the top of the page. Events can be filtered by date and time, event type, and the user who created the event.

Activity events

Below is the list of user activity events captured by Mosaic.

Activity Event type Description
reset_password Identity management A user reset their password.
user_register_mobile_native_biometrics Identity management A user registered using mobile native biometrics.
update_user Identity management A user profile was updated.
user_failed_login Identity management A user login attempt failed.
webauthn_registration Identity management A user registered WebAuthn credentials.
failed_OTP_attempt Identity management A user failed an OTP verification attempt.
update_password Identity management A user updated their password.
passwordless_registration Identity management A user registered for passwordless authentication.
suspend_user Identity management A user account was suspended.
silent_authentication Identity management A silent authentication attempt was made.
get_users Identity management A request was made to retrieve user details.
user_delete_webauthn_credential Identity management A WebAuthn credential was deleted for a user.
locked_account Identity management A user account was locked due to multiple failed login attempts.
passwordless_authentication Identity management A passwordless authentication attempt was performed.
update_user_failure Identity management A user profile update attempt failed.
user_delete_mobile_native_biometrics Identity management A mobile native biometric credentials were deleted for a user.
authentication_started Identity management An authentication attempt was initiated.
authentication_failed Identity management An authentication attempt failed.
get_user Identity management Retrieves details of a specific user.
user_logout Identity management A user logged out.
create_user_failure Identity management A user creation attempt failed.
add_password Identity management A password was added to a user account.
authentication_succeeded Identity management A user successfully authenticated.
sms_sent Identity management An SMS message was sent.
user_login Identity management A user successfully logged in.
create_user Identity management A new user was created.
passwordless_transaction Identity management A passwordless authentication transaction was initiated.
ldap_bind_entry Journeys A user authentication attempt was made via LDAP.
session_logout Journeys A user session was logged out.
custom Journeys A custom event was logged.
set_variables Journeys Journey variables were updated.
session_end Journeys A user journey has ended.
transmit_identity_verification Journeys Identity verification was initiated.
assertion_end Journeys A journey client request processing ended.
custom_activity_log Journeys A custom activity was logged in the system.
transmit_platform_custom_authentication Journeys A custom authentication step was used in a journey.
oidc_token_exchange_request Journeys An OpenID Connect token exchange was requested.
typescript_function_node Journeys A TypeScript function was executed.
validate_response Journeys A response validation process was performed.
policy_decision Journeys A policy-based decision was made.
restore_user_context Journeys A user’s session context was restored.
loop Journeys A loop execution was triggered.
action_start Journeys A journey step execution started.
events_enrichment Journeys Event data enrichment was performed.
ldap_create_entry Journeys A new LDAP entry was created.
custom_data Journeys Custom data was processed.
consume_ticket Journeys A cross-session message was processed by a journey.
assertion_escape Journeys A journey client request selected a branch.
assertion_error Journeys A journey client request encountered an error.
external_connection_call Journeys An external system connection was initiated.
ldap_fetch_entry Journeys An LDAP entry was retrieved.
condition_evaluated Journeys A conditional logic evaluation was performed.
session_pending Journeys A user session is pending completion.
session_start Journeys A user journey has started.
action_complete Journeys A journey step execution has started.
assertion_start Journeys A journey client request processing started.
http_auth_pass Journeys An HTTP authentication request was passed.
session_error Journeys A journey error has occurred.
create_ticket Journeys A new cross-session message was created.
custom_token_enrichment Journeys A custom token was enriched with additional data.
read_fraud_image_data Identity verification Fraud image data was accessed.
delete_fraud_image_data Identity verification Fraud image data was deleted.
download_session_zip Identity verification A session ZIP file was downloaded.
session_started Identity verification Indicates starting a verification session.
consent_approved Identity verification Indicates saving consent info.
verification_completed Identity verification A verification process was completed.
face_auth_session_completed Identity verification A face authentication session was completed.
expiration_session Identity verification A session expired.
download_fraud_csv Identity verification A fraud-related CSV file was downloaded.
verification_status_updated Identity verification Indicates the status of the internal verification process.
image_uploaded_info Identity verification Indicates an image upload, including metadata information (processing time, etc.).
error Identity verification Indicates an error on frontend, such as "something went wrong" page.
sdk_process_completed Identity verification An SDK process was successfully completed.
session_deleted Identity verification Indicates a session deletion (via API or by retention).
session_created Identity verification Indicates creating a new verification session.
restriction_criteria_updated Identity verification A restriction criterion was updated.