Identity verification flows

Mosaic helps businesses verify the identity of their customers. Depending on the use case, it can be done using government-issued ID documents or face biometrics.

Document verification

The document verification process allows you to securely verify the identity of your customers using documents like their driver’s license or passport. Mosaic performs verification checks that validate the authenticity of the document, biometrically match the current user with the photo in the document, and assess the risk of the current session.

Once the process is completed, all the verification checks are processed to create an aggregated result so you'll know how to proceed (see Verification result). After a successful check, you can enable your customers to perform further operations, for example, allow them to register in your app or open a new bank account online.

Face authentication

Face authentication allows your app to reliably confirm a customer's identity by biometrically matching a selfie to an existing photo of the user. It can be introduced early on in the onboarding procedure or as a step-up verification in case of high-value operations like money transfers.

In this flow, Mosaic verifies the liveness of the user's selfie to ensure this is a live person and then compares the user's selfie to a reference image, such as a previously collected photo or ID document (see Selfie & liveness check). Once the process is completed, all the verification checks are processed to generate a recommendation so you'll know how to proceed (see Verification result). After a successful check, you can enable your customers to proceed with the action they requested in your app, for example, to transfer money or reset their primary email address.