Add item to list

Use the Add item to list node to add one or more recommendations (items) to a recommendations list.

Node parameters


For the purpose of adding recommendations to a list, the following fields should be set as follows:

  • Credentials to connect with : Mosaic account
  • Resource : Detection and Response
  • Operation : Add Item to List
  • List Name or ID : The unique identifier for the list. Select from the list or specify the ID using an expression.
  • Item IDs : The unique identifier for each recommendation to add. Select from the list or specify the IDs using an expression (to create a new list, go to the Recommendations page ).


As your node is run, each recommendation is added to the list. The node displays the following metadata:

  • List ID : The ID of the recommendation list.
  • Tenant ID : The ID of the tenant that owns the list.
  • Added Date : The timestamp when the items were added.
  • Items : The recommendations that were added.