Create user

Use the Create user node to create a user in your Mosaic app.

Node parameters


For the purpose of creating a user, the following fields should be set as follows:

  • Credentials to connect with : Mosaic account
  • Resource : Identity management
  • Operation : Create User

The Add Field: allows you to select the user information to add:

  • Email : Primary email address of the user
  • Phone number : Primary phone number of the user, specified in E.164 format
  • Username : Username used to identify the user
  • Secondary emails : Secondary email addresses to add to user's current emails
  • Secondary phone numbers :Secondary phone numbers to add to user's phone numbers, each specified in E.164 format
  • Birthday : User's birthday
  • Address : User's address
    • Country : Country
    • State : State
    • City : City
    • Street address : Street address
    • Postal code : Postal code
    • Type : Address type to choose from: Home , Work or Other
  • Name : Object describing user's full name.
    • Title : Title
    • First name : User's first name
    • Last name : User's last name
    • Middle name : User's middle name
  • External account ID User identifier in an app, set by the app
  • Custom app data : Custom data object for app-related user info
  • Picture : The picture of user, specified as a URL.
  • Language : The language of the user, as provided by the browser using the Accept-Language header field
  • Custom data : Custom data object for tenant user info
  • External user ID : A unique identifier in a tenant
  • Delegated access : If this user is a dependent, this defines the permissions that the primary user will have to act on behalf of the dependent user
    • Actor ID : The ID of the primary user that has permissions to act on behalf of this user
    • Permissions : Names of permissions that are granted to the primary user on behalf of the dependent


As your node is run, the user is created. The node displays the following metadata:

  • User ID : A unique user ID that can be used to perform other operations.
  • Created at : The date of user creation
  • Updated at : The date of the user's last update
  • Status : The status of user registration
    • Pending : The user has not yet authenticated with the app
    • Active : The user has logged in at least once
  • App ID : The ID of the app in which you registered the user
  • App name : The name of the app in which you registered the user