Create user

Use the Create user node to bulk create users in your Mosaic app.

Node parameters


For the purpose of creating users, the following fields should be set as follows:

  • Credentials to connect with : Mosaic account
  • Resource : Identity management
  • Operation : Create Users

The Users field allows you to add an array of users. For each user, you can include one or more of the following pieces of information:

  • email : Primary email address of the user
  • phone_number : Primary phone number of the user, specified in E.164 format
  • username : Username used to identify the user
  • secondary_emails : Secondary email addresses to add to user's current emails (array of strings)
  • secondary_phone_numbers : Secondary phone numbers to add to user's phone numbers, each specified in E.164 format (array of strings)
  • birthday : User's birthday (string )
  • address : User's address
    • country : Country of the user
    • state : State of the user
    • city : City of the user
    • street_address : Street address of the user
    • postal_code : Postal code of the user
    • type : Type of address. Enums: Home , Work , Other (array AddressType)
  • name : Object describing user's full name
    • title : Title of the user
    • first_name : First name of the user
    • last_name : Last name of the user
    • middle_name : Middle name of the user
  • external_account_id : User identifier in an app, set by the app
  • custom_app_data : Custom data object for app-related user info
  • picture : The picture of user, specified as a URL
  • language : The language of the user, as provided by the browser using the Accept-Language header field
  • custom_data : Custom data object for tenant user info
  • external_user_id : A unique identifier in a tenant
  • delegated_access : If this user is a dependent, this defines the permissions that the primary user will have to act on behalf of the dependent user
    • actor_id : Identifier of the primary user
    • permissions : List of permissions the primary user will have


As your node is run, the user is created. The Result displays the following details:

  • total_users : Total number of users created
  • createduserids : List of IDs of the created users
  • errors : List of errors
    • errors : List of error messages
    • user_identifier : Identifier of the user with errors