Authenticate with private key JWT
Leveraging JSON Web Tokens (JWT) signed with a private key for client authentication ensures a secure and seamless identity experience that meets FAPI (Financial-grade API) requirements. This approach overcomes the vulnerability of passing the client secret, enhancing security and simplifying the authentication process.
This guide describes the integration steps for a simple client authentication flow, for example when a client needs to obtain a client access token to authorize subsequent API calls. For more use cases, see Next steps.
How it works
In user authentication and client authentication scenarios, a client assertion replaces a client secret. The client assertion represents a JWT signed with your private key. The JWT includes information about the issuer, audience, expiration date, etc. For more details, see RFC 7521 (Assertion Framework) and RFC 7523 (JWT Profile for Client Authentication). The client assertion is signed with your private key and Mosaic uses JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to check signature authenticity. For details on JWKS structure, see RFC 7521.
For example, a client requests certain data. The backend generates a client assertion (Step 3) and then uses it when requesting a token (Step 4). Upon the receiving the client access token, your backend validates it (Step 5) and then uses this token to authorize the call.
Step 1: Create JWKS
Use strong cryptography to secure the client authentication process. Start by implementing cryptographic key pair generation. Then, convert it into the JWK format, for example, using the Node.js jose
library. The keys are generated and converted once during initial configuration but later you can reissue new keys if necessary.
Below is an example of JWKS:
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"kid": "CpTM4iGliMoklgafvDXA4TbclcynyD_wMgjOfhiCUUE",
"x5c": ["MIIDazCCAlOgAwIBAgIURndmlRmyo9snXN45B..."],
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"n": "vXoSLHWtv_t7f78rvKGPkLDuc-9MkzvLiWf..."
Step 2: Submit JWKS to Mosaic
Configure your Mosaic client to use private key JWT as an authentication method and provide the JWKS you've generated in Step 1. The JWKS will be used to check the assertion signature.
- For OIDC implementations : from the Admin Portal under Applications , click your application and proceed to the OIDC client settings to update the authentication method to Private key JWT and submit JWKS. If you don't already have an application, you'll need to create one first (see Create application ).
FAPI 2.0 compliance
Consider enabling "Enforce FAPI 2.0 compliance" when creating a client. See Manage clients
- If using SSO Service : from the Admin Portal under SSO Service , navigate to Service Definition > Client groups and proceed to the OIDC client settings to update the authentication method to Private key JWT and submit JWKS.
You can rotate keys whenever needed. Update JWKS in the OIDC client configuration in the Admin Portal.
Step 3: Create client assertion
Generate a client assertion string by encrypting the JWT with your private key. Below is an example of a decoded JWT, with authentication claims:
// Header
"alg": "RS256", // The algorithm used for signing
"typ": "JWT" , // The type, indicates this is a JWT
"kid": "unique-key-id-123", // Key ID, used to identify the JWK
// Payload (Claims)
"iss": "client_id_123", // Issuer - the client ID of the application
"sub": "client_id_123", // Subject - the client ID of the application
"aud": "", // Audience - the token endpoint URL of the authorization server
"exp": 1736079208, // Expiration time (UNIX timestamp)
"iat": 1736072008, // Issued at (UNIX timestamp)
"jti": "unique-token-id-987" // Unique identifier for the token
Step 4: Authenticate client
Authenticate a client and obtain a client access token by sending a POST request like the one below to the /oidc/token
endpoint, along with the following parameters:
Field | Description |
client_id |
Client ID. Can be obtained from client settings in the Mosaic Admin Portal. |
client_assertion |
Client assertion (private key JWT) used instead of a client secret. |
client_assertion_type |
Should be set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer . |
grant_type |
Should be set to client_credentials . |
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function run() {
const formData = {
client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_assertion_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer',
client_assertion: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ASSERTION'
const resp = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: new URLSearchParams(formData).toString()
const data = await resp.text();
Step 5: Validate tokens
The /oidc/token
response includes a token, and a user access token. Tokens must be validated as described here. Validate the token signatures using the public key retrieved from the JWKS endpoint:
Cache a response returned by /oidc/jwks
for further reuse to avoid reaching API rate limits and prevent latency issues. Signing keys don't change often. Yet, if token validation fails due to a signature mismatch, try updating the cache first and then revalidating the token signature.
Next steps
When authentication with private key JWT is enabled, client assertion should be used in all calls that typically leverage client secrets, including:
Obtaining client access tokens with
Obtaining user access tokens with
Initiating a
PAR request
a user with
Initiating a
backchannel flow
Initiating a
device flow
Revoking a token
- etc.
For implementation details, see the respective guides or API reference. The steps mentioned in this guide remain relevant for these integrations as well.
For example, below are sample requests leveraging a client assertion in the PAR and CIBA flows:
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function run() {
const formData = {
client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
redirect_uri: 'REDIRECT_URI',
response_type: 'code',
scope: 'openid',
code_challenge: 'HASHED_CODE_VERIFIER',
code_challenge_method: 'S256',
client_assertion_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer',
client_assertion: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ASSERTION'
const resp = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: new URLSearchParams(formData).toString()
const data = await resp.text();
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function run() {
const formData = {
client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
scope: 'openid',
login_hint: 'LOGIN HINT',
binding_message: 'MESSAGE',
client_assertion_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer',
client_assertion: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ASSERTION'
const resp = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: new URLSearchParams(formData).toString()
const data = await resp.text();